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莱太花卉市场 — 独占朝阳第一香

花海  花国  花世界。
A flower sea, a flower world

    All women are fond of beautiful things and all women who love beautiful things are fond of flowers. Along the Ladies Street, a famous marketplace in Beijing that sells fashionable goods to women, there is a world of flower, known as the Laitai Flower Market.
    Laitai is the largest and maybe the most fashionable flower market in Beijing, a hub for flower sales in Beijing and neighboring cities. Each year, it trades about 1000 kinds of flowers as well as related products like fertilizer, flowerpots and handicrafts.
    Laitai Flower Market is about 300 meters long and is as big as two football fields. There are altogether 48 independent flower stalls in the market and abundant plants and flowers for you to choose from: plum blossoms, orchards, bamboos, chrysanthemums, crabapple flowers and peonies.

   No. 9, West Maizidian Road. 
    电话:010 _ 6463 6145

    1、莱太花卉市场不仅以花著名,它在二楼开辟的近 1000平方米的精品画廊,因为汇聚了各方画派,也成了一个小小的艺术“胜地”。
    2、在莱太花卉市场、女人街一带出现了一条新的美食街“星吧路”,这里的餐厅规模都不小,从新疆饭、 日餐、韩国菜、台湾菜,到日本真锅咖啡店。

花团锦簇的市场大厅 。
The trade hall with abundant flowers.

到处是爱美的人们 。
Everywhere you can find people who love beautiful things.

漂亮的商城外观 。
Beautiful exterior of the market.