望京西园三区社区 首页
华膳园 — 钟鸣鼎食 皇家盛筵

A place of magnificence and dignity

何谓“华膳园”? 在我看来,它汇聚了粤、川、鲁、徽、湘、苏、闽、浙中华八大菜系之精华,可谓之“华”;它集煎炒烹燎、蒸焖煨烧、熘烩烤涮、爆煮卤汆等诸般厨艺之大成,可谓之“膳”;在它园内亭台阁轩、堂室楼榭,无所不备,飞檐斗拱、云阶玉壁、富丽堂皇,可谓之“园”。
    Huashanyuan is awarded as a “national garden styled five star hotel”. My on-the-spot experiences convince me it indeed deserves such a noble name.
    Where does this name come from? “Hua”, in my opinion, symbolizes the eight cuisine styles across china—Yu, Chuan, Lu, Hui, Xiang, Su, Min, Zhe; “shan” represents all kinds of cuisine skills including frying, boiling, steaming, stewing and baking, etc.; “yuan” refers to its architecture of garden style: gloriette, pagoda, pavilion, hall, Chinese rockery, veranda, you name it.
    What a place of magnificence and dignity!

   Xiaojiaoting, Gaobeidian Village. 
    电话:010 _ 8773 9898

    1、北京华膳园昆曲经典剧场”每周二、 五晚7时固定演出,纯正、地道、原汁原味将是该剧场的主要定位。

夜色里帝气十足的华膳园夜景 。
At night, the view of Huashanyuan is magnificent and royal.

雕栏玉砌中的宴会大厅 。
Banqueting hall with marble railings and steps.

华膳园前厅 。
The lobby of Huashanyuan.

(二龙戏珠)KTV包房 。
KTV compartment with a “two dragons play with a pearl” painting.