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蟹岛绿色生态度假村 — 京郊的世外桃源
To see the stars in a countryside courtyard
想住住久违的农家小院吗?想吃吃无污染的绿色瓜果吗?想与鸡、鸭、鹅、兔做玩伴儿吗?——到蟹岛吧!——一个集种植、养殖、旅游、度假、 休闲、生态农业观光为一体的超级度假村正向你招手呢!
肚子饿了,到“开饭楼”吃吃农家菜,拉拉小驴,推推碾子;腿脚累了,住仿古农庄:车把式家、杨货郎家、梦笔庄……或乡绅豪宅、 文士书房、武人会馆;或乡间酒肆、农户草堂、车汉作坊,风格迥异,古意盎然。
Cottage, unpolluted fruits, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, do you yearn for all these? If you do, please come to Xiedao, an eco-green holiday village where you can grow plants, breed animals, travel, recreate and sightsee the ecological agriculture.
Far from the noise and disturbance of the city, Xiedao is a place for you to refresh yourself. It is divided into four areas: plant-growing area, fish or poultry breeding area, technological area and a holiday village. Facilities here are comprehensive: a sea-view park, a hot spring bath, a cafeteria and a gym. You can experience what Chinese farmers do everyday: go fishing, play chicken fight, etc.
If you are hungry, please go to Kaifan House to enjoy delicious peasant dishes; if you are bored, you can try a hand mill or drive a donkey. There are numerous houses of ancient styles you can go to: houses of the rich, of the genteel, of the learned, of the poor, and of the skilled, to give you a sense of a miniature Chinese society of the past.
   No. 1, Xiedao Street, in Jichang off-Expressway mid-section in the south
电话:010 _ 8433 5858
路线:359路、418路、小20路、735路、813路、 835路至蟹岛站
仿古农庄「杨货郎家」 。
Yanghuolang’s home.
湖边春钓 。
Fishing along the lake.
蟹岛室内游泳馆 。
An indoor swimming pool in Xiedao.
荷花塘、石板桥,一派田家风光 。
A lotus flower pond, a stone bridge, rural scenery.